iPhone 16 dengan 5.448 Unit Dapat Dibawa Masuk ke Indonesia, Ini Penjelasan dari Bea Cukai

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – The Directorate General of Customs and Excise (DJBC) of the Ministry of Finance recorded that at least 5,448 iPhone 16 have entered Indonesia through passenger baggage and also postal items. The iPhone 16 has fulfilled all its tax obligations, including the applicable VAT within the country.

Head of Import Sub-Directorate of DJBC, Chotibul Umam, said that the record of iPhone 16 entering the country was until October 2024, amidst the policy of the Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) which prohibits the sale of iPhone 16 in the country. This is because the Apple smartphone series does not meet the Domestic Component Level (TKDN) requirements.

“We only have data until October. By that time, there were 5,448 units. These were brought in through passenger baggage and postal items,” said Chotibul during a press conference at the DJBC Headquarters in Jakarta on Friday (10/1/2025).

Chotibul emphasized that the iPhone 16 entered through airport channels, not through Free Trade Zones and Free Ports (KPBPB). If it were through KPBPB, there would be a limit on the entry of phones or electronics to 2 units per arrival per year.

“In other places like Soekarno-Hatta, Juanda, Ngurah Rai, Kuala Namu. The regulations for passenger baggage apply there. Passenger baggage is divided into 2 categories: personal passenger belongings and non-personal belongings,” said Chotibul.

“As mentioned earlier, if it is personal belongings in accordance with article 34 of Permendag 36, it is exempted from restricted items as long as it is personal. But if someone brings in 1 unit and it is discovered to be for trading, it cannot be resolved,” he added.

Requirements for iPhone 16 to be Used in Indonesia

Since the iPhone 16 entered under the category of personal belongings, all tax requirements must be settled upon entering the customs area. This includes paying import duties and taxes such as the applicable VAT rate of 11% and income tax of 10% for those who have a Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP) in order to obtain the IMEI.

“For passenger baggage, there is a US$ 500 exemption threshold. So, if the price of the iPhone 16 is, for example, Rp 20 million, then after deducting the value of US$ 500, the excess is subject to a 10% import duty, 12% VAT with a calculation of 11/12 which means the payment is 11%, then for income tax, if you have an NPWP it’s 10%, if you don’t have an NPWP it’s 20%. As long as the NIK is matched with the NPWP, the income tax is 10%,” Chotibul explained.

The Director of Communication and User Guidance of Customs and Excise, Nirwala Dwi Heryanto, added that for the iPhone 16 that enters the country through individuals or postal items, it is actually very difficult to monitor to ensure that they will not be resold.

“It’s quite challenging to answer whether it will be resold or not. How can we monitor that? For example, the entry list is under the name Nirwala, then if I bring 2 iPhone 16s and give one to my child, how can we prove that it’s not for resale, who will verify this,” Nirwala said.

The data on iPhone 16 entering Indonesia according to Customs differs from that recorded by the Ministry of Industry. The Ministry of Industry recorded that a total of 11,000 units of iPhone 16 had entered Indonesia until November 10, 2024. These thousands of iPhone 16 units entered through returning passengers from abroad.

This number increased by 2,000 units from the period of August-October 2024. During that time, the Ministry of Industry recorded that there were 9,000 units of iPhone 16 that entered the country.

The Ministry of Industry’s Spokesperson, Febri Hendri Antoni Arif, stated that they allow individuals to bring iPhone 16 units from abroad. However, they threaten to block the IMEI of the iPhone 16 if it is proven to be resold.

“If there is evidence of resale, we are ready to deactivate [block the IMEI],” Febri said at the Ministry of Industry office in South Jakarta on Thursday (21/11) as quoted by CNN Indonesia.

“The punishment [for selling iPhone 16] will be handled by law enforcement,” he added.

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